Friday, September 12, 2008

What?! No pretend school?

This past Tuesday, Henry had earned 35 "Banyon bucks" in his class at school. That meant he had earned enough to sit at the teacher's desk all day, if he so chose. He told me that he was going to do that so I fully expected to play pretend school that afternoon so we could reenact it all.

But no! Henry didn't even mention the special treat until I asked him where he sat. He told me about it and was excited but didn't have any interest in pretending.

I started to think maybe he had outgrown playing pretend school (finally).

Then Henry came home today, disappeared into his room for a while, then found me and asked if I wanted to play pretend school. :D So I did. Apparently it is more fun to pretend that it is "Fun Friday" than it is to pretend that you're sitting at the teacher's desk.

Who knew?

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