I was brave this past weekend and decided to take my kids to Chickasaw State Park. My Sunday School class goes every year, and this year was the 4th annual trip. Glen doesn't travel so I wasn't willing to take the kids myself until this year.
There were 10 families signed up to go, and the food/drinks were divvied up amongst everyone. My van was packed so full! I took Mark's crib mattress in lieu of an air mattress. Henry slept with me in the full(?)-sized bed. Mark slept at the foot of the bed on his mattress.
The kids played and played. It was really nice having several other families there so my kids could go with other people to the playground or wherever.
Thank goodness I had the foresight to take peanut butter and jelly as Mark ate pb&j sandwiches for practically every meal while we were there.
I came home with 103 pictures in my camera. The funny thing about that is--I lost my camera midday Saturday and didn't find it until I was packing the car to leave Sunday morning. I wonder how many pictures I would have taken if I hadn't lost it.
Somehow, I got the dubious honor of coordinating this event for next year. So it looks like we're going back!
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